Friday, April 22, 2011

And so it begins...

I have had this blog for almost 2 years now- and this is my first actual post- how crazy is that? Over and over I kept meaning to put something- well, meaningful in this space- but somehow just never got to it. As anyone who actually reads this may notice, I have a long list of blogs that I follow- all of which concern quilting, sewing or other handicrafts- and baking. My other major hobby of note is genealogy, and I log a lot of hours at!

I have a lot of big plans for the upcoming Summer months- most of which involve a sewing machine. My sixteen-year-old daughter will be here for the summer, (from TX, where she lives with her father), and we both have the sewing of quilts on our minds! I have spent the last few weeks scouring patterns, fabrics, and blogs in preparation! Before I can even make the first cut or sew the first stitch, however, I have to finish two papers @ 20 pages each and get these classes out of the way! Then- the summer is all mine!

So to summarize- I have a camera and a lot of ambition to be productive in the coming months and I guess that equals a blog! Here goes!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the blogging and the quilting! Welcome- we are a friendly lot!
